If one is willing to listen, nature has answers to all of one’s queries. Today’s world, driven by technology and materialism, has increased the gap between man and nature. While many don’t realize, this gap is the reason for so many of our ailments.
Thankfully, difference makers like Tyler Norman/Nala Asa Shakur have taken it upon themselves to make others realize that nature is the ultimate nurturer and source of happiness. Tyler began her career in the summer of 2017 at the age of 19. Having been raised by a businessman father and completing her Business Management she was thoroughly inspired by entrepreneurs and big thinkers she made connections with. And long before she knew it, she had a mindset of an entrepreneur and a CEO and was motivated enough to start her career.
Putting her ideas to Work
To start with, Tyler knew she had a gift of art, entrepreneurship, and some sort of healing work, combined with a love and connection toward natural living. Though she couldn’t understand the deeper aspects then, she had a vague idea of how to capitalize her natural gifts and turn her passion into purpose. She had a vision and absolute faith in the universe to make things fall into place. At 19, she wrote up her business plan, created her logo, some business cards, and began making and selling homemade organic body butter, custom painted hats, and offering her service of helping others transition to a natural lifestyle.
She also started the movement #naturalisthewaytoglow. With time and experience, she continued to build a brand, give momentum to the movement, and unlock more gifts and knowledge to apply in her business. A year later she created her website where customers now had access to inspiring content for natural living and self-elevation.
This company was less about selling products and more about bringing change and being a platform that inspires the healing of self. Tyler says, “I knew, to guide others, I first needed to guide myself. So self-love, deep soul searching, and inner healing became my main focus. While doing extreme self-work, I captured all of my lessons and gained wisdom within the pages of my journals. This experience of finding deeper parts of myself, my passion, my purpose, my gifts, and learning what I truly desired out of life turned into the blueprint for my entire career.”
Jotting it Down
Out of these experiences, Tyler poured herself onto her book, Love Starts Here; creating love within for life never without. The book serves as your guide through this journey of learning and embodying unconditional love. It provides information on why we should and how we can elevate the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energy bodies. Through her book and business, Tyler created a whole system where she targeted a problem within herself and society as a whole; lack of health, self-love, authenticity, purpose, and therefore lack of satisfaction with life.
She then found effective solutions and healing mechanisms by experimenting on herself. Finally, she created a platform where she, women, and men from all ages and paths can find a solution to their problem in a product, content, or service. By 2020 she had a solid foundation to build on and a firm idea of exactly how she wanted to run and grow my business. She finally licensed The All Natural, serving as its CEO, and continued her journey of Elevation. In 2021 she has been focusing on connecting with others and curating a solid team of like-minded individuals who see and share the vision.
More About the Company
The All Natural(TAN) is a one-stop holistic health shop. Here, one has access to various types of content made by TAN’s content creators such as blog series, recipes, videos, lifestyle tips, and inspirational stories. It also provides various signature products including books, meal plans, and clothing, etc. It is also a platform for other holistic businesses to display and sell their products. It even provides multiple types of services for clients looking into a holistic lifestyle such as intuitive counselling, financial wellness, energy readings, reiki, and much more. The All Natural provides ALL that one needs to transition and thrive in one’s natural lifestyle!
Challenges in the Path
Most of the challenges Tyler faced mainly came from a lack of funding. She says, “In the Black community we are not taught how to work for ourselves, build a business, and develop generational wealth. We definitely are not taught how to fund such a divine operation.”
His father has been the biggest support as he is educated and has over two decades of experience in building a business. However, his wisdom was all she could get as the money put into her company came straight from her pockets, and keeping it afloat often dipped into funds needed for her personal life. She struggled to keep up with operating funds, products, merchandise, and all the other financial responsibilities that come with running a business.
Another challenge was donning all the hats while running the business. Initially, Tyler was the CEO, the website designer and manager, finance manager, marketing manager, and every other role until she built her team. She adds, “With all that being said, I would not change a thing about this experience. You have to spend money to make money! Challenges build character and give us lessons we need to grow ourselves along with our business. Challenges are necessary for a business to build a solid backbone and to test who’s really built for this lifestyle.”
Being a woman was another challenge and just like most women, she had to deal with being overlooked, underrated and disrespected. She feels that the most powerful way to tackle these challenges is not to match the energy of the hyper-masculine by over becoming aggressive or hardbody but to embody and understand the power of our feminine energy. She advises to step freely and unapologetically into one’s identity as a woman and not try to fit the molds of a man. “Femininity has a lot more power than we give credit to,” feels Tyler.
Through all these challenges, her source of motivation was knowing that this is her life’s purpose; a creative expression that leads to healing thyself.
The Industry and its prospects
The current industry, as per Tyler, is over-saturated with masculine energy. The business has become cut & dry, aggressive, inconclusive, and so impersonal. Many are lacking personality attempting to fit into the modern-day scenario. Often, the motivation in business is money and power which takes us out Of alignment with our creativity, our purpose, and more often than not our morals.
Being different, Tyler’s strategy to stay in the market is to stay in her own lane; remain authentic to herself in every move she makes. She shares her secret, “A wise man once told me focusing on the competition too much makes us move like our competition and we fall into the rabbit hole of unoriginality. Our biggest superpower in life and business is the fact there is no one like us. So, I plan to be myself and there’s no competition besides each version of my old self I surpass along the journey.”
Spreading Light
Tyler has had firsthand experience of living in dark with a lack of physical health, mental health issues, and an overall feeling of dissatisfaction and misalignment with life. These experiences and hard places have given her a reason to learn how to shine light in these areas and improve internal and external health. The practice that helped her pull herself out of that darkness is what she shares with others through The All Natural.
She envisions herself as a successful CEO to an abundant community of creators and small business owners within The All Natural’s online and in-person one-stop-shop. Also as a bestselling author whose story continuously inspires individuals of all ages and walks of life. I see a powerful woman who travels, creates, and leads with divine purpose.
She now inspires young women to find their purpose, stick to their values, and not to quit on themselves when challenges surface. She believes that when you walk with purpose, everything around takes care of itself, even money. “When you let God’s purpose for your life be the blueprint there is no losing, only lessons learned. You will continuously grow stronger and stronger and through the process, you will fuel a fire within your heart which will reflect in the money in your wallet,” concludes Tyler.